How to Prep your partner for your photo session
For some of us, preparing our partners for the family photo session is as exhausting as preparing the kids. If your partner is happy-go-lucky about photo day, that’s excellent. If you’re dealing with someone who’s reluctant, however, then here are some things you can do to help.
Especially if this is your first session together with the family now that the kids are mobile, let them know how the session will go and discuss your expectations. Also, if you have to bribe the kids, communicate this with your partner so they can help remind them of the bribery.
Warn them that the kids will probably be crazy or freak out and that they should prepare themselves for that. Let them know that it will still be fine and to try not to get overwhelmed or worried.
Let them know that the more helpful they are in getting themselves and the kids ready, the less stressed you will be and the less chance of an argument between you arising.
Remind them that the session is only one hour and then it will all be over. This way, they see a light at the end of the tunnel and can stick it out.
If your partner is being difficult, bribe them to cooperate during the session as well. If it works for the kiddos, it may very well work for them!
And most importantly – remind them that you love them (and that they love you, and that’s why they are cooperating with this). Tell them how much you appreciate their support and cooperation in this, and how happy you are going to be with the finished photos.